Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A New Obsession

I have found that the more time I spend at home, the less time I spend thinking about what I wear. The problem... I spend way more time thinking about what my kids are going to wear.

I have a 5 year old fashion plate who is about to start kindergarten and already loves to shop. She will spend hours with me looking at various websites searching for the perfect outfit (in her case, mostly dresses). Of course, then we have to spend another hour looking at shoes. If only I could afford to buy her everything she (or is it I) want, life would be grand.

My 3 year old son is quite a hipster himself. He is very particular about what he wears and he requires that it is "awesome!". His unhealthy obsession is shoes. He loves them. He will try to buy shoes almost everywhere we go... it is a bit odd.

My 15 month old daughter is completely oblivious to what she wears. However, she is the most fun to dress up because she will pose for the camera. If you point a camera at her and tell her to say Cheese, she will freeze and smile. It is fantastic!

So, I have decided that I am going to share a bit of my obsession. Come along for the ride if you would like... we would love to have you.

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