Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Dragons and Daisies

I always thought I was one of the few moms’ that actually salivated over children's fashion. I can't help but peruse various websites to see what new hip clothes my kids could wear. If I had unlimited resources, my children would easily be the most stylish on the block.

I have to say that this article regarding children's fashion really disturbed me.

First, why in the world do parents want their kids to look like mini adults? As a society, are we taking away a child's right to be a child? It seems to me that expectations are higher for children on all levels (academically, developmentally and athletically). Are we only perpetuating this lack of childhood by dressing them as adults?

Second, and perhaps the most disturbing portion of this article, is a parents need to dress their child like the child of a celebrity. This is insane (in my humble opinion). While I understand the theory that celebrities have made their life choices, paparazzi or no paparazzi, I have always empathized with the day to day struggle they endure. The idea that the paparazzi are stalking these poor children so they can be fashion icons is disturbing. Even more disturbing is the fact that we, as consumers, demand it.

Therefore, my new blog Dragons and Daisies is going to focus on fashionable child appropriate clothing. Now, having said that... there may be a slip up or two, as I am only human...

There will, however, be no slip ups when it comes to pictures of the children of celebrities. In fact, just to shake it up, I would love pictures of the children of paparazzi photographers. After all, do unto others as you would have done unto you.

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